Giveaway: Great Clips and The Great List

blogger-thegreatlistIt’s August. You know what that means, right? September…and school…are right around the corner. Time to buy clothes, backpacks, and time for any needed haircuts.

A wonderful time of year…and then the mail from the school district comes. The “Welcome Back to School! Now here’s the list of supplies above and beyond clothes and backpacks that we need you to buy” letter.

It can get expensive. But Great Clips wants to help out. Every day until August 16th, a winner will be selected to have their back to school supply list filled by Great Clips!

Simply sign up at The Great List, upload your back to school supply list, and you’re entered! You can find Great Clips on Facebook and Twitter.

Did I mention they do haircuts, too?

I took SchoolGirl and KinderGirl to get their hair cut today, and it was a really enjoyable experience! The salon was very clean, the stylists were


Disclaimer: I received gift cards for haircuts and a box of school supplies in exchange for this post promoting The Great List and Great Clips. However, the opinions of the Great Clips salon I visited are 100% my own and were not in any way influenced by the compensation I received.


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